Get inspired by the global Polyluma Community to find the perfect light for your home.
Random 10 200
vinteg 200 White
ripple 200 Natural
vinteg 200 White
ripple 200 Natural
bulp 200 White
ripple 200 Natural
bulp 200 White
ripple 200 Natural
dia 200 White
ripple 200 Natural
from 2145 EUR Individualize
from 2145 EUR Random 10 Collection
Random 10 200
dia 200 Natural
bumble 200 Natural
bulp 200 Natural
dia 200 Natural
radial 200 Natural
lambert 200 Natural
vinteg 200 Natural
ripple 200 Natural
ico 200 Natural
fina 200 Natural
from 2145 EUR Random 10 Collection
Random 7 200
ripple 200 Natural
ico 200 Natural
ripple 200 Natural
lambert 200 Natural
vinteg 200 Natural
dia 200 Natural
radial 200 Natural
from 1435 EUR Individualize
from 1435 EUR Random 7 Collection
Random 5 200
ripple 200 White
ripple 200 White
ripple 200 White
ripple 200 White
ripple 200 White
from 1045 EUR Random 5 Collection
Random 7 200
radial 200 Natural
ripple 200 Natural
vinteg 200 Natural
lambert 200 Natural
ico 200 Natural
bulp 200 Natural
fina 200 Natural
from 1435 EUR Individualize
from 1435 EUR Random 7 Collection
Random 7 mix
bulp 200 Natural
lambert 200 Natural
ripple 300 Natural
dia 200 Natural
radial 300 Natural
lambert 300 Natural
fina 200 Natural
from 1435 EUR Individualize
from 1435 EUR Random 7 Collection
Random 7 200
radial 200 Natural
lambert 200 Natural
lambert 200 Natural
lambert 200 Natural
lambert 200 Natural
radial 200 Natural
lambert 200 Natural
from 1435 EUR Individualize
from 1435 EUR Random 7 Collection
Random 7 200
lambert 200 Natural
vinteg 200 Natural
ico 200 Natural
ripple 200 Natural
radial 200 Natural
dia 200 Natural
bumble 200 Natural
from 1435 EUR Random 7 Collection
Random 10 200
dia 200 Natural
vinteg 200 Natural
radial 200 Natural
bumble 200 Natural
ico 200 Natural
ripple 200 Natural
bulp 200 Natural
lambert 200 Natural
riga 200 Natural
fina 200 Natural
from 2145 EUR Random 10 Collection
Random 5 200
ripple 200 Natural
radial 200 Natural
vinteg 200 Natural
dia 200 Natural
lambert 200 Natural
from 1045 EUR Individualize
from 1045 EUR Random 5 Collection
Random 7 200
vinteg 200 Natural
ico 200 Natural
ripple 200 Natural
lambert 200 Natural
radial 200 Natural
ico 200 Natural
vinteg 200 Natural
from 1435 EUR Individualize
from 1435 EUR Random 7 Collection
Random 10 200
dia 200 Natural
bumble 200 Natural
vinteg 200 Natural
radial 200 Natural
dia 200 Natural
bulp 200 Natural
lambert 200 Natural
ripple 200 Natural
ico 200 Natural
fina 200 Natural
from 2145 EUR Random 10 Collection
Random 7 200
radial 200 Natural
lambert 200 Natural
lambert 200 Natural
lambert 200 Natural
lambert 200 Natural
radial 200 Natural
lambert 200 Natural
from 1435 EUR Individualize
from 1435 EUR Random 7 Collection
Random 7 mix
ripple 200 Natural
lambert 200 Natural
ico 300 Natural
vinteg 200 Natural
dia 300 Natural
bulp 200 Natural
radial 200 Natural
from 1435 EUR Random 7 Collection
Random 10 200
dia 200 Natural
vinteg 200 Natural
ico 200 Natural
bumble 200 Natural
radial 200 Natural
ripple 200 Natural
bulp 200 Natural
lambert 200 Natural
riga 200 Natural
fina 200 Natural
from 2145 EUR Random 10 Collection
Random 7 200
radial 200 Natural
ripple 200 Natural
vinteg 200 Natural
lambert 200 Natural
ico 200 Natural
bulp 200 Natural
dia 200 Natural
from 1435 EUR Individualize
from 1435 EUR Random 7 Collection
Material Sample
Your home is your comfort zone - everything should be just the way you want. To help you choose the right material and color for your shades, we are happy to send you a Sample Box with our material options.
Order Sample Box
Customer Reviews
Custom Made
Our lights can be personalized in many ways. If you have special requests that go beyond the custom options, we can make a lot happen – whether it’s the number and design of the lights, special cables, or a unique canopy. Share your idea with us.
Individual Inquery
Sustainable Production
Shades are made of natural resources. Product make to order, no unnecessary stock.
Free of Plastic Packaging
Products are shipped safely and plastic free – no need for more plastic in the world.
Local Production
We design and produce in Berlin and craft most parts in-house. Additionally, we built a local network of experts.